80” H x 24” W x 15” D
Carved glass, painted cherry, video imagery
Available through Duncan McClellan Gallery:
Veils of Discovery is a work that grapples with ideas about perception, discovery and narrative. It was created from the artists’ desire to express their wonder for the cosmos we inhabit and the stories we tell about it. Through the work, we seek to explore questions of chaos and order, insight and revelation and the influence of perspective on the stories we tell about our place in the universe in which we dwell.
Veils of Discovery is art made from glass and wood, metal and wire, software and hardware and desire. But its true medium, the essence by which its magic is made manifest, is light. The light of the now and the light of the past. The light of the now shimmers in the glass, reflected, refracted, reformed as fragments of the viewer and the world they inhabit. You can see it as you move, flickering at the edge of your vision- you, and the place where you stand, given back to you from an altered perspective.
And the light of the past emerges in the imagery that floats behind the glass, light captured by the spacefaring lenses of the great observatories of humanity. Light that came to us from distant suns, traveled to this earth and was captured in this artifact. There it is transformed into mysterious veils and landscapes, reflections and flows of intermingled color and form. That light, that very light, is re-emitted and travels to your eye and is the medium of this art and yet it is also the ancient light of a universe in the process of making itself.
And each of these things, the light of the past, the light of the now, the universe and the art are inextrcably linked, but that’s not all- there’s one more piece that makes it all work. You. Because it is only through your eyes, by your act of seeing, by your leap of imagination, that photons are transformed into something more. Transformed into feelings, into ideas, into the stories that we tell ourselves about the past, about the now, about the future that is yet to be.
~~ James Allen